Archived Committees
(Discontinued) Audit Committee
This committee was discontinued at the end of the 2014/15 municipal year. As the council moved to a committee system style of governance at the start of municipal year 2015/16, this committee's functions were merged with the Standards Committee.
The purpose of the Audit Committee was to provide independent assurance of the adequacy of the risk management framework and the associated control environment, independent scrutiny of the authority’s financial and non-financial performance to the extent that it affects Fylde Borough Council’s exposure to risk and weakens the control environment, and to oversee the financial reporting process.
(Discontinued) Cabinet
The Cabinet was the part of the Council that was responsible for most day-to-day decisions. The Cabinet was made up of the Leader and six other Councillors, known as Cabinet Members.
Cabinet was discontinued at the end of the 2014/15 municipal year, when the council moved to a committee system style of governance at the start of municipal year 2015/16.
(Discontinued) Community Focus Scrutiny Committee
This committee was discontinued at the end of the 2014/15 municipal year. As the council moved to a committee system style of governance at the start of municipal year 2015/16, a less formal scrutiny function falls within the remit of each of the new programme committees.
(Discontinued) Community Outlook Scrutiny Committee
This committee was responsible for reviewing or scrutinising decisions made, or other action taken, in connection with the discharge by the responsible authorities of their crime and disorder functions and making reports or recommendations to the Cabinet or Council with respect to the discharge of those functions.
(Discontinued) Joint Committee
The Joint Committee was an informal meeting with no executive powers. The Committee comprised of three representatives from both Wyre and Fylde Councils. Its meetings were not formal meetings but would be open to public. Role was to oversee and make recommendations to both Councils on the further development of relationship regarding service quality, value for money and commercial opportunity.
(Discontinued) Performance Improvement Scrutiny Committee
The remit of the committee was the Monitoring of the Corporate Plan, Best Value Performance Plan, Financial and Asset Management Plan, Communications Strategy, Risk Management Strategy, E-Government Strategy and CPA Improvement Plan together with any other key strategic plans for the authority; Consideration of ombudsman reports;
Contribution to and monitoring of the CPA Improvement Plan process and monitoring the service delivery improvements and corporate improvements which should flow from CPA.
(Discontinued) Planning Policy Scrutiny Committee
The terms of reference of this committee gave it responsibility for:
Contributing to the development of the council’s local development scheme and any local development document; Monitoring the effectiveness and appropriateness of the development plan, including any regional spatial strategy, structure plan, local plan or local development document; Allowing the views of members of the Development Control Committee to be taken into account in the above functions; Contributing to and monitoring the effectiveness of policies in relation to local economic development, regeneration and conservation matters.
(Discontinued) Policy and Service Review Scrutiny Committee
The terms of reference of the committee gave it responsibility for:
Contribution to the development of policies, plans and strategies. Review of policies, plans, strategies, services and processes. Scrutinising decisions of the Cabinet. Deciding whether to call-in Cabinet decisions.
(Discontinued) Policy Development Scrutiny Committee
This committee was discontinued at the end of the 2014/15 municipal year. As the council moved to a committee system style of governance at the start of municipal year 2015/16, a less formal scrutiny function falls within the remit of each of the programme committees.
(Discontinued) Standards Committee
This committee was discontinued at the end of the 2014/15 municipal year. As the council moved to a committee system style of governance at the start of municipal year 2015/16, this committee's functions were merged with the Audit Committee.
The Standards Committee is therefore responsible for maintaining high standards of ethical conduct by members of the borough and parish councils.
The Standards Committee is assisted by "independent persons", appointed under the Localism Act 2011. Independent persons do not investigate complaints or form part of the Standards Committee, but the Monitoring Officer and a member who has been the subject of a complaint can consult them. Fylde Council appointed a number of independent persons jointly with Blackpool Council.
2004-2015 Public Protection Committee
All the agendas and minutes of Public Protection Committee meetings held between December 2004 and the end of the 2014/15 municipal year.
The public protection committee determined some of the more complex applications for taxi licences and a number of other licenses that the council could issue.
2005-2015 Council meetings
All the agendas and minutes from Council meetings held between the start of the 2005/06 municipal year and the end of the 2014/15 municipal year.
By law, there must be an annual meeting of the council, which is held in May. The May meeting signifies the start of the Municipal Year and is largely ceremonial with the appointment of the Mayor. In election years, the May meeting would also appoint a Leader of the Council, set the meeting calendar and establish the committee membership. The council also has scheduled ordinary meetings throughout the year and can hold extraordinary meetings. Meetings of the council are often referred to as "full council". The Mayor chairs the meetings and all members of the council can attend them.
Although the Cabinet takes most of the day-to-day decisions in the running of the authority, the meetings of the Council remain the ultimate policy making body for Fylde Borough Council.
2005-2015 Licensing Committee
All the agendas and minutes from Licensing Committee meetings held between the start of the 2005/06 municipal year and the end of the 2014/15 municipal year.
Since 2005, the council has been responsible for licensing premises who sell alcohol, provide regulated entertainment or provide late night refreshment. The Licensing Committee and its licensing panels are at the forefront of implementing the new powers, given by the Licensing Act 2003.
Environment, Health and Housing
This committee is the designated crime and disorder committee for the purposes of the Police and Justice Act 2006. It is also responsible for health, bathing water quality, food hygiene, pest control, community safety and safeguarding.
For information on speaking at this committee see "Public Speaking at Council Meetings" in the Documents and Information section.
Finance and Democracy Committee
The committee is responsible for the development and oversight of matters relating to finance, corporate planning, performance management, procurement, community projects, strategic partnerships, policy development, Customer Services, ICT, website and mayoral arrangements.
For information on speaking at this committee see "Public Speaking at Council Meetings" in the Documents and Information section.
Operational Management
This committee is responsible for waste management & recycling, public amenities, car parking, coastal defences, dog control, emergency planning, building control, land charges, cemetery and crematorium.
For information on speaking at this committee see "Public Speaking at Council Meetings" in the Documents and Information section.
Tourism and Leisure Committee
This committee is responsible for sports, arts, leisure and cultural provisions, parks and open spaces, sand dune and beach management, and tourism and events promotion policies.
For information on speaking at this committee see "Public Speaking at Council Meetings" in the Documents and Information section.