Joanne Gardner - Deputy Mayor

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  • Election History
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  • Ward History
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Joanne Gardner - Deputy Mayor
04 May 2023
First Elected
04 May 2023
Liberal Democrats
2 Bannistre Close
St Annes
Mobile Telephone No:
07724 689572

It is a fantastic honour and privilege to be chosen by Mayor Cllr Karen Henshaw as her Deputy Mayor for 2024/25.  I will do my upmost to support Karen during this very busy year.

A year that I know Karen hopes to have ‘Community Spirit’ as its main aim.

I was born in Ashton under Lyne, Lancashire and I moved to live in St. Annes after attending Keele University between 1981-1984, where I achieved a BA hons degree in English and Philosophy.  My husband Dan and I moved here after he got a job as an Actuary at Guardian Royal Exchange Insurance.  We have now been here for 40 years and have lived in St. Annes all of that time.

For most of my career I worked at the Blackpool Gazette and Lytham St. Annes Express newspapers.  Starting as a telephone sales canvasser before holding many managerial titles including Classified Manager and Display Advertising Manager and eventually becoming the Advertisement Director, with overall control of the advertisement departments.  Latterly I finished my career at the Lancashire Evening Post as a Regional Manager.

After taking early retirement I quickly learned that I still had to be busy.  I became a volunteer at the RNLI shop in St. Annes and took on the role of Speakers Secretary for the RNLI Ladies Luncheon Club.  I also became a member of the Blackpool Road North Friends’ Group and it was then that I realised helping community causes was something I wanted to be more involved in.  I am the Chairman of Trustees for the Hub, a community centre in South Shore, and am a founding member of Fylde Eco Group.

I was elected onto St. Annes Town Council in 2019, where I quickly realised you really can make a difference to your area if you really want to make a difference.  I became a member of CAN the Community and Neighbourhood Group, and TEN the Environment Group.  I am proud of the many initiatives these groups have put in place for the residents of St. Annes.

But mostly I enjoy representing the interests of the residents in Kilnhouse Ward where I live, and to achieve more I was delighted to be elected onto Fylde Borough Council in 2023.

The year 2024-2025 will probably prove to be one of the busiest years so far, as my husband Dan (my Consort) and I support Mayor Karen Henshaw and her husband Howard with their chosen charities and Civic Events.

We aim to make it a happy and enjoyable year, where we meet many Fylde residents, volunteers and businesses and represent the Fylde and our chosen charities in the best way we can.
Job Title:

Election History

Thu 4 May 2023  

Group Representation History

Liberal DemocratsThu 4 May 2023 Fri 19 May 2023
IndependentMon 22 May 2023 Wed 26 Jul 2023
Independent and Liberal DemocratsThu 27 Jul 2023 Thu 14 Mar 2024
Liberal DemocratsFri 15 Mar 2024

Ward Representation History

KilnhouseThu 4 May 2023

Current Outside Body Appointments

Outside BodyJoining Date
There are no current outside bodies for this member.

Past Outside Body Appointments

Past Outside BodyPast Joining DatePast Leaving Date
There are no past outside bodies for this member.

Personal Register of Interests

Date of NoticeReceipt by Monitoring OfficerView
19 May 202319 May 2023

Meeting Declarations

Committee NameMeeting DateNatureView
Executive Committee30 January 2024Personal
Internal Affairs Scrutiny Committee18 June 2024Personal
Planning Committee26 March 2025Personal
Thu, 27 Feb 2025Scrutiny Training 
Wed, 19 Feb 2025Planning Appeals training 
Tue, 9 Jul 2024Scrutiny Training for Elected Members 
Mon, 17 Jun 2024Planning Committee Training 
Mon, 15 Apr 2024Cyber Briefing 
Tue, 27 Feb 2024Local Listing Project 
Wed, 11 Oct 2023Supplementary Planning Documents on Flooding and Parking 
Thu, 20 Jul 2023Understanding Your Role - the essentials 
Tue, 18 Jul 2023Audit and Governance Committee training 
Mon, 15 May 2023Welcome Event for Newly Elected Members 
There are no hospitality and gift records for this member.

Political Party: Liberal Democrats

Political Group: Liberal Democrats

Member Attendance

Display attendance in date range

Attendance Summary

Expected attendances15 
Present as expected1280%
Apologies received267% of absences
In attendance (as a visitor)0 

Attendance Details